Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 49

volume Number : 13
number In Volume : 3
issue Number : 49

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 13، number In Volume 3، ، issue Number 49

An Analytical Study of the Contemporary Poetry of Tajikistan

Mohammad Esmaeil ShafiPour Fomeni , Abbasali Vafaei (Author in Charge)


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: in addition to the influence of Russian literature, traces of the Persian literature on the contemporary literature of Tajikestan is evident. This research tries to study the modern poetry of the contemporary poets of Tajikistan including Bazar Saber, Dara Nejat, Ali Mohammad Moradi and Asgar Hakim from the fourth generation and Golrokhsar, Amohammad Ali Ajami and Nezam Ghasem from the fifth generation. It will also try to investigate the influence of Contemporary Iranian Poet like Nima Youshij, Akhavan Sales, Ahmad Shamloo, Forough Farrokhzad, Sohrab sepehri and Siavash Kasraei from the first generation and the contemporary Persian Literature on the poets of Tajikestan and their poetic innovation will then be categorized.

METHODOLOGY: the present research has been done through descriptive-analytical method by using library resources.

FINDINGS: in terms of imagery, the poetry of Tajikistan is more under influence of Persian poetry and uses the same literary and rhetorical figures of speech. Simile, metaphor, metonymy, pun, personification, paradox, allegory and suspense are among the most frequently used figures, among which the frequency of paradox or oxymoron is noteworthy. The content of the poems, also, include new phenomena, social problems, and familiarity with other cultures.

CONCLUSION: the results of the study show that the figures of speech used in the poetry of Tajikistan is not as many as those in the poetry of Iran and Afghanistan. This is due to the influence of the unadorned speeches on slogan-like poetry of Soviet Union. Regarding the Imagery, the poetry of Tajikistan is more under influence of Persian poetry and uses the old literary and rhetorical figures of speech. Because of the difference of the Tajiki Dialect with other Iranian Dialects, and lack of competence over Persian Metrical system of Persian poetry, some metrical flaws and interruptions can be seen in their poetry. In Tajiki Dialect, some short vowels are pronounced long and vice versa; thus, the features of their dialect must be considered in the scansion of their poetry.

Contemporary Poetry , Innovation , Tajikistan

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